KnEx – Knowledge Exchange LMS

Web solution KnEx is built and tested as a variation of the Learning Management System (LMS) which enables higher dynamics, makes performance easier and multiplies the level of the quality of the university teaching (according to the Bologna Accords).

With a huge number of students at the universities, the communication between the professors and students is rather challenging. Implementation of KnEx enables the creative individuals to conduct searches more easily and to have a productive team work, which improves communication on all levels. The main aim of this synergy is to create the system of excellence. The KnEx application offers better organization, a flexible structure of processes in education and easy-to-survey records.

In 2011, KnEx was adopted to the high school settings. It includes a weekly report of accomplished results, exchange and analysis of information. In addition to the basic functions of serving as a school record book, it also enables communication between the school teachers, class teacher, parents and students.

Actual contents of the LMS system KnEx: adapted graphic interface, different user levels work (teachers/students/parents/administrator), keeping records of the students, notifications and information (general and related to the subjects), upload of questionnaires and documents (permitted extensions) , comments, application of exams, records of student’s attendance, issuing different reports and activities, comments on the student’s progress, records of teacher’s attendance (with bar codes), security on the SSL and application levels.

The KnEx application received a safety certification by Carnet by the end of 2013. That was the first step in connecting the KnEx with the system of e-matica of the Ministry of Science and Education of Croatia. At the moment, we are waiting on their approval which will authorize the KnEx to receive and distribute the data within the system of e-matica.


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